Mission Viejo and Laguna Beach

December 15th to 16th, 2007

Kyle, his wife Ali, and I visited her parents in Mission Viejo which is close to Laguna Beach on the weekend.  We walked along a ridge called in a park called Aliso Canyon Park.  At the end of the trail, we had a view of Laguna Beach where I would be going on Sunday.  Amanda Turnbull, you were in my thoughts.  Hahaha! Laguna Beach was fricken beautiful.  You have good taste Amanda.

Laguna Beach is in the v of that valley.

Amanda I zoomed in on Laguna Beach for you.

The view south down Aliso Creek Beach.

Again, don't know how to flip images yet.  This is the view north of Aliso Creek Beach.
We were throwing sticks for the doggy there in that cove. 

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